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Water & Sewer


NOTICE: Do Not Flush ANY Disposable Wipes. They will plug the sewer system, increasing operation costs.

A late fee of 1%, minimum of $ .20 (all balances under $20.00 will receive a $ .20 late fee), will be applied to all outstanding balances on the first of every month.



Make check or money order payable to:
City of Peshtigo

Mail payments or drop in black drop box outside side doors at Peshtigo City Hall:
Peshtigo City Hall
331 French St.
Peshtigo, WI 54157

Credit card payments through AllPaid (fees apply): click HERE

Please note the following fees are involved:

$0.01 – $50.00


$50.01 – $75.00


$75.01 – $100.00


$100.01 – $150.00


$150.01 – $200.00


For each additional increment of $50.00 or portion thereof add $2.00.

AllPaid accepts the major credit, debit or prepaid debit cards, including: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. AllPaid charges a non-refundable fee for its services.


Water Tips and Tricks




Additional Information


Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR)

The City of Peshtigo Water Utility is required to submit an initial Service Line Materials Inventory to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) by October 16, 2024. This requirement stems from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) which was put into effect in 2021. An additional requirement is to make the inventory data available to the public.

The LCCR excel file contains all known water connections as supplied by the Peshtigo Water Utility with the applicable data required to be submitted to the DNR. Data was gathered through construction records, visual inspections at property locations, and other utility records.

For additional information regarding the LCRR Service Line Materials Inventory Instructions, please review the summary sheet (PDF) created by the DNR.  The Fact Sheet (PDF) provided by the EPA includes information about the 2021 LCRR Implementation.

If you have any questions regarding the data for your location, please contact the Public Works Department at (715-504-0894) or email.

Matt Decur
Public Works Director
Tom Gryzwa
Committee Chairperson
Fred Meintz
Committee Member
Dan Seymour
Committee Member