Any questions or concerns please call City Hall at (715) 582-3041 and leave a message with staff for the Mayor, Department Heads, or Alderpersons and they will return your call.
City Hall hours daily 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Any questions or concerns please call City Hall at (715) 582-3041 and leave a message with staff for the Mayor, Department Heads, or Alderpersons and they will return your call.
City Hall hours daily 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Mayor, Katie Berman
Clerk, Tammy Kasal
Chief of Police, Fred Popp, Emergency Dial 911
Fire Chief, Chuck Gardon, Emergency Dial 911
Public Works Director, Matt Decur
Park & Recreation Director, Lori Tonn
City Attorney, David Spangenberg
Municipal Judge, Cindy Sutek
Municipal Clerk, Nikkee Donne, (715) 923-4595
Building Inspector, Joe Last, (920) 835-6016
{Marinette County Library} Peshtigo Branch Librarian, Karen Murphy, (715) 582-4905
District 1
Brigitte Schmidt & Angel Wink
District 2
Keith Klimek & Joel Ahrens
District 3
Debbie Sievert & Robert Warren
Debbie Sievert, Chairman
Brigitte Schmidt, Robert Warren
Angel Wink, Chairman
Keith Klimek, Robert Warren
Angel Wink, Chairman
Robert Warren, Joel Ahrens
Keith Klimek, Chairman
Debbie Sievert, Angel Wink
Keith Klimek, Chairman
Angel Wink, Robert Warren
Brigitte Schmidt, Chairman
Debbie Sievert, Joel Ahrens
Brigitte Schmidt, Chairman
Debbie Sievert, Robert Warren
Mayor Katie Berman, Presiding Officer (non-voting)
Debbie Sievert, Robert Warren, Joel Ahrens
2 Property/Business Owner ~ Advisory Positions (non-voting)
Mayor Katie Berman, Brigitte Schmidt, Debbie Sievert, Robert Warren, Clerk Tammy Kasal
Assessor Jerry Pillath (Nonvoting member)
Thomas Gryzwa, Chairman (2022-2026)
Fred Meintz (2023-2027)
Dan Seymour (2024-2028)
Gary Motkowski (2025-2029)
Robert Warren (Yearly)
Matt Decur, Public Works Director (non-voting)
Tom Maxwell (2024-2027)
Thomas Gryzwa (2023-2026)
Dan Seymour (2022-2025)
Tim Finger (2022-2025)
Debbie Sievert (Yearly)
Mayor Katie Berman (Non-Voting Member)
Tammy Kasal, Secretary
Mayor Katie Berman, Presiding Officer
Matt Decur, Director of Public Works,
Doug VanWinkle (2022-2025)
Karen Pluff (2023-2026)
John Berendt (2024-2027)
Jamie Bayer (2024-2027)
Robert Warren (Yearly)
Karen Pluff, Chairman (2024-2027)
Kevin Johnson(2022-2025)
Stan Nogalski (2023-2026)
Mary Seidl (2023-2026)
Jeffrey Hansen (2024-2027)
Debra Felker (Alternate)
Arkadus Bochra (Alternate)
Charles Gardon, Chairman (2022-2025)
Debbie Sievert, Secretary (Yearly)
Fred Meintz (2022-2025)
Barbara Bauman (2023-2026)
Gerald Valley (2023-2026)
Mary Seidl (2024-2027)
Thomas Gryzwa (2024-2027)
Stan Nogalski, Chairman (2020-2025)
Mary Seidl, Secretary (2024-2029)
Ronald Strojny (2021-2026)
Doug VanWinkle (2022-2027)
Gerald Valley (2023-2028)